
Bon Anniversaire!

Since P's birthday falls on Mother's Day weekend this year (and my due date) we celebrated a few weeks early with family and friends. We had a Madeline fĂȘte at the park with homemade quiche, macaroons, and mustaches...
The animal party hats were a big hit and I added matching silver tinsel to the (store-bought) kids' hats too. For the invitations and bubbles, I found an illustration online and printed them myself since anything Madeline-themed is impossible to find!


Pink + Red

Other than Valentine's Day, I never give pink and red too much thought. Which is a real shame considering how chic they are together!
I loved all the bright lips on the runway for spring...
MOR Cosmetics: I'm such a sucker for their packaging!


Nude Flip Flops: High/Low

Gap $24.95

Party Hats!

After I saw Jordan's brilliant idea to make party animal hats, we raided the $1 bin for P's party favors. I'm not quite sure how they tie into a Madeline party, but what 4-year-old doesn't love plastic animals??
Maybe for the kids...


Jules' Vintage Finds

Jules Reid doesn't shy away from pattern or color with her fashion line, so it comes as no surprise that her Vintage Finds are just as bold. Most of the pieces are sold out already but I can't wait to see what she discovers next! In case you missed it, check out her VA home in Matchbook Magazine.

Traditional With A Twist

Portraits are a great way to add a personal touch to your home, and I love them mixed with non-traditional decor. A bright color scheme like the one above with pops of yellow and blue is fresh and unexpected. 
Portraits South
I would hang this portrait in a room covered in grasscloth...
With a pair of fabulous sconces...
A cozy Moroccan rug...
And some tufted green velvet...
If you have more than one portrait, try hanging them with other pieces of art in a collage with various frames. I love this sophisticated playroom featured in Lonny...
Or you could hang a portrait in a completely unexpected way! Whether you've inherited a painting or just had one done, the decorating options are endless!!
If you're interested in finding a portrat artist for commission, contact Portraits South



'Perfect for packing meals, bread, or toting fresh fruits and vegetables from the farmer's market.' Anaise $26


Maternity Jeans How-To

At 36 weeks pregnant, I couldn't justify spending $189 on white maternity jeans that I'll wear a few more weeks. I found a regular pair of inexpensive ones that would fit (unzipped) and made them into maternity jeans with a few minor adjustments...
With a seam ripper, take apart the front waist band and zipper. Then cut the waist band 1/2" from each side seam. Pin and sew the zipper and pockets down along the seam lines (cut out the pocket lining if you want less bulk.)
You need a piece of elastic the same length as the front of your jeans (they sell this by the yard) and enough knit to cover it. I bought 1/8 of a yard (the minimum) and had plenty of knit leftover. Fold the knit over the elastic and sew along the 3 edges.
Pin and sew the knit to the front of the jeans and then sew the side seams together.
Maternity jeans for $15!
I've avoided buying maternity tops this time around by wearing longer, loose-fitting styles. This black Zara blouse is cut on the bias and has gone casual or dressy depending on how I accessorize it.
I found this coral chiffon top at TJ Maxx and swapped the cheap-looking buttons for gold ones. I wear it over a nude cami and it also works great as a swimsuit cover-up. 
I borrowed this embroidered Mexican tunic from my mom's closet. I wore it today with nude flats and my gray tote and can switch those out for wedges and a clutch.
This striped pea coat and green scarf is my go-to outfit when I need to be ready in 5 minutes. A light-weight scarf (this one is Love Quotes NYC) has been perfect for layering with a bump.